Throughout our 12 years of operation, Family Hospital continues to lead the way.

We are dedicated to providing top-quality medical services and developing an integrated network of healthcare services in Da Nang, Vietnam, and abroad.

Our unwavering priority is to continue to offer top-level healthcare services, in tune with the highest standards. 

We are committed to our attempt by striving continuously to upgrade our services both in terms of infrastructure and organization.


To be one of the most respected and recognized private hospitals in Danang and Central Vietnam, as a provider of excellent healthcare services.


To Our Patients

Our patients are not just clients, but our fellow humans in need. 

From the first encounter, we will treat our patients with dignity and compassion, comfort their family and friends, and endeavor to make their stay with us as rewarding as possible. 

Recognizing the obligation to maintain and restore the health of those who come to us for care, we pledge our every effort.

To Our Staff

We value our physicians, nurses, administrative, and supporting staff in the organization.

We respect their dignity and recognize their merits.

We encourage and support the professional and personal growth of all employees.

To Our Community

We are committed to serving our community with exceptional, compassionate, and personalized care to enhance the quality of life.

Our Our Associates

We are devoted to pursuing and realizing the mission of our institution, being innovative and resourceful in carrying out our duties, and utilizing organizational resources sensibly.