Before welcoming a little angel, every mommy has to experience a journey of psychological changes, from simple to complex levels. Behind the happiness and excitement, they have to face unsteady worry and fear.
Understanding these feelings, on the morning of 28 Sep 2019, the September Prenatal Club took place on the 10th floor of Family Hospital, with the topics about “Postpartum Depression and How to Take Care of the Baby in the First Three Months of Life.”

The class had attracted the participation of more than 50 pregnant women, with many to-be-fathers as well.
Besides the theoretical contents delivered by the obstetrician team and pediatricians, the class also focused on the topic of hygiene practice and diaper change for babies with the guidance of midwives, which created a huge amount of attention and enthusiastic excitement from our future parents.

After the class, any questions related to birth, pregnancy, or child care could be asked on the Facebook Group “Supplementing Knowledge about Motherhood” where our obstetricians, pediatricians, and midwives of Family Hospital would directly respond. In this group, mothers could also freely communicate and share their experiences, especially getting useful advice from other moms.